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Keystone Fire Protection Co
Montgomeryville, PA 18936 (215) 641-0100 Helping our customers in english. Our preferred brands include notifier. Our specialties include inspection, installation, clean and dry chemical. We can assist you with alarm systems, autocad, automatic extinguishing systems , automatic sprinkler systems, backflow preventers, cartridge operated extinguishers , chemical supression systems, code consulting, code violation repairs, code-compliant installation, contracting, design services, dry chemical systems, duct cleaning & sanitizing, electrical service, electronic access control systems , emergency lighting, estimates, extinguisher cabinets, fire extinguisher recharging, fire extinguishers, fire hoses, fire protection systems, fire retardants, fire safety consulting, fire sprinkler system inspections , fire sprinkler system maintenance , fire sprinkler system upgrades, fire training classes, first aid equipment & supplies, free consultations, free estimates, grease exhaust cleaning, grease filter exchange services , halon recharging, hood & duct cleaning, hood filters, hydro testing, hydrostatic testing, industrial systems, inspections, intercom systems, kitchen systems, leak detection systems, life ladders, medical emergency devices, mobile services, new or existing construction, osha compliance programs, portable fire extinguishers, quarterly inspections, radio dispatched services, retrofitting, safety signs, sales, security systems, smoke detectors, special hazard systems, sprinkler parts, sprinkler system inspections, sprinkler system repair, suppression systems, tenant improvements, underground fire mains, warranties & guarantees and wet & dry standpipes. We DO have emergency services available. We've served commercial and industrial customers. We've been in business since over four decades. Authorized distributor. Share Your Review Please note: all reviews are screened for spam and take 24-48 hours to be approved.